mercredi 11 février 2009

Morceaux choisis.

I read a lot - and no happy endings.

The Book of Illusions, Paul Auster.
"He will give his last dime to a beggar in the street, but will not be motivated by pity or compassion so much as by the poetry of the act in itself."
"No one can live without other people, David. It's just not possible.
Maybe not. But no one's never been me before. Maybe I'm the first one."

Dead causes. Also.

The speed, l'excitation. The wind in my face, the wind I make. Maker of winds.
And the head swinging slightly in the vapors of alcohol.

the other hand, Chris Cleave.
"'Compromise, eh? Isn't it sad, growing up? You start off like Charlie. You start off thinking you can kill all the baddies and save the world. Then you get a little bit older, maybe Little Bee's age, and you realise that some of the world's badness is inside you, that maybe you're part of it. And then you get a little bit older still, and a little bit more comfortable, and you start wondering whether that badness you've seen in you is really that bad at all. You start talking about ten per cent.'
'Maybe that's just developing as a person, Sarah.'
I sighed, and looked out at little Bee.
'Well,' I said, 'maybe this is just a developing world.'"

Revolutionary Road left only one, nagging question : qui est le plus faible, elle ou lui? Et le plus fort? Est-ce que c'est le même?
And Slumdog Millionaire : D. It was written.

Morceaux d'échec.

jeudi 8 janvier 2009



Quelque part, j'ai été très mal éduquée.


C'est fini.

lundi 8 décembre 2008

Everyone so fucked up, I need to buy Bailey's.

I've loft my left lense three times in two months, and I fear the moment when I'll be out of drugs.

Dire Ceci pour Cacher tout Cela.

I have only sunny pictures.

lundi 1 décembre 2008


il est tard et la liste est longue, mais hier, nous avons rempli 98 cartons de nourriture. 98.

mercredi 5 novembre 2008


"It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America."

full speech

lundi 3 novembre 2008


In the books, world of fantasy and words of wisdom
In my bed, warm and soft
To the movie, the dark silence in my head
To Kérisol - eScape - to the Ocean

Yet, I came back, and it was always me - sad, unwilling self.

To escApe - from the struggles, from the roneos, from mum, my frail mum, from the sad evenings of my once cheerful family, and above all, from me.

lundi 13 octobre 2008

Time's gone

Crush a day between your two palms and anihilate it. Again.

And as the hours are falling to pieces into my hands, the roofs of the city lay still beneath my eyes.

vendredi 10 octobre 2008


This would be... part of what I feel.

mercredi 10 septembre 2008

Push the music louder and Dance.

dimanche 31 août 2008

Mon frère est parti se bourrer et j'aurais aimé faire de même.
Jme suis servie une rasade de bayley's dans une tasse bleu trop cool, et jvais me faire un rail de grey's anatomy.

pardon mica

rien de grave, jvais aller souvent au resto, stout.